بكالوريوس علوم الحاسب - توصيف المقررات

يرجى ملاحظة أن التوصيف الكامل للمقررات موجود في المرفقات أسفل هذه الصفحة
المقررات الإجبارية:
أساسيات الرياضيات  202126-3 |
الساعات المعتمدة
المتطلبات السابقة
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The course presents fundamental concepts and reasoning, distilled from mathematics science and other computational sciences, for types of proofs, Induction, number theory, Relations, Sums, Approximations, and Asymptotic, counting and functions.
مقدمة إلى حل المسائل  501110-2 |
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The course presents fundamental concepts of problem-solving techniques in computer science and other computational sciences. Topics include Problem solving approaches and process, Arithmetic Expression, Debugging, Decision structures, Repetition Structures.
مهارات الحاسب 501112-2 |
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The course presents fundamental skills in Basic Computer Operations, Computer Core, Word Processing/Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheet/Graphing, Database, presentations, Telecommunications, E-Mail, Web Browsing, Online Research, Social Legal and Ethical issues.
أحياء عامة   2011211-3 |
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Studying the concepts of ecology and environmental pollution. Also, this course discusses the principles and commercial applications of biotechnology to environmental problems. The course is structured to promote self-learning and students' development of Biotech solutions to real-life problems. Biotechnology is not just genes! Individual subject areas include the use of biotechnology to clean up or 'bioremediation' polluted environments as well as the economic recovery of important minerals and precious metals. Furthermore, the application of biological systems in preventing pollution by supporting our planet's sustainable development is also explored in subject areas such as biofuels. The controversial issues of agricultural biotechnology are also examined in this course.
كيمياء عامة   204124-2 |
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Introduction (Matter and Measurement), Atoms, Molecules, and Ions, Chemical Reactions and Reaction Stoichiometry, Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry, Thermochemistry, Electronic Structure of Atoms, Periodic Properties of the Elements, Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding, Molecular Geometries and Bonding Theories, Gases.
الحوسبة العلمية | 501125-2  
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The course introduces the practical aspects of scientific computing where students will be exposed to fundamental coding elements and concepts to solve a wide range of computing and engineering problems.
التصميم بالحاسب | 503121-1  
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This course focuses on using AutoCAD program, introductory descriptive geometry, orthographic, deducing the missed view, and dimensioning.
تفاضل وتكامل (1) | 202261-3
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This course teaches the concepts and techniques of limits, differentiation and integration and their application to problems in science and engineering.
فيزياء (1) | 203206-4
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This course introduces systems of units, dimensional analysis, Vector and scalar Quantities, Motion in One Dimension, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and momentum, Electric field, Electric Potential, Electric current, Capacitance, Direct and Alternating Current circuits, Geometrical optics.
تراكيب منفصلة | 501215-3
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Introduce propositional logic, predicates, quantifiers; sets, functions, sequences; proof strategy, induction, recursion; relations, equivalence relations, partial orders; basic counting techniques, permutation and combination, introduction to graph, trees, and computation models.
برمجة حاسب (1) | 501220-3
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Introduce the fundamental concepts of programming and problem-solving techniques. Topics include data types, control structures, arrays, pointers, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.
تفاضل وتكامل (2) | 202263-3
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This course reinforces and extends the concepts and techniques of limits, differentiation and integration of functions taught in Calculus (1) and introduces the concept of sequences and series and their application to problems in science and engineering.
فيزياء (2) | 203207-4
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This course introduces systems of units, dimensional analysis, Vector and scalar Quantities, Motion in One Dimension, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and momentum, Electric field, Electric Potential, Electric current, Capacitance, Direct and Alternating Current circuits, Geometrical optics.
برمجة حاسب (2) | 501222-3
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This course is a continuation of 501220-3 Computer Programming (1). It extends programming concepts to include functions, pointers, functions and arrays, string manipulation, file handling, and introducing Object-Oriented programming.
تصميم منطقي رقمي | 503221-4
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This course covers many basic topics such as numbering systems, Boolean algebra, simplification using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps, and different logic gates. The course also deals with analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits, e.g., adders, encoders, decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers. Flip‐flops and Sequential circuits such as registers, counters, and other basic also presented. The course prepares the students to apply the above basic skills to design, implement, and test digital logic circuits in the laboratory.
الجبر الخطي | 202262-3
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This course is an introduction to Linear Algebra during a study of linear systems of equations and its solutions methods, and a study of Matrices, determinants, operations on matrices and Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Finally, a simple introduction to Vector spaces.
احتمالات واحصاء | 202364-3
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Statistical methods and the application of probability theory are essential to the understanding of data and underlying processes in many fields of sciences and engineering. This course provides an introduction to probability and statistics concepts with applications for students who would like to have careers in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Topics include sample space, events, random variables, expectation and moments, combinatorial probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous distributions, discrete and continuous probability density functions, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, introduction to stochastic processes, statistical inference, estimation and test of hypotheses.
البرمجة الشيئية | 501323-3
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Introduce Object-Oriented concepts and techniques such as classes, interfaces, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism using one or more object-oriented languages. Study UML, software design methodologies and design patterns.
هياكل البيانات | 501324-3
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This course introduces students to development, implementation, and analysis of efficient data structures and algorithms. Topics include analysis of sorting and searching algorithms and abstract data types such as stacks, queues, linked list, trees, graphs, and hash tables.
المعالجات الدقيقة ولغة التجميع | 501326-3
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Microprocessor architecture and systems. Assembly language programming of microprocessors, data representation, addressing and instruction sets, I/O programming, interrupts, assembly process, cross assemblers and debugging. Bus systems, memory subsystems, and signals and Interfacing.
مقدمة في نظم التشغيل | 501352-3
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Introduces and provides fluency in Linux and MATLAB. Topics include shell commands for file system manipulation, file permissions, process and user management, installation, and administration. Problem solving using MATLAB scripts and popular toolboxes.
بحوث العمليات | 202368-3
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The course introduces techniques for modelling and optimizing real-world problems using mathematics, statistics and computers. Topics may include linear programming, integer linear programming, non-linear programming, dynamic programming, game theory and queuing theory. The primary emphasis will be on Linear programming: the simplex method and its linear algebra foundations, duality, post-optimality and sensitivity analysis; the transportation problem; the critical path method; non-linear programming methods.
هندسة البرمجيات | 501343-3
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Introduce different aspects of software development for reliable systems. Study the software development process models, project management techniques, modeling notations, requirement analysis, architecture design methods, and testing techniques.
أساسيات قواعد البيانات | 502372-3
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This course will introduce the basic concepts in database systems and architectures, including data models, database design, and database implementation. Its emphasis on topics in ER model and relational databases, including relational data model, SQL, functional dependency and normalization, database design process.
معمارية الحاسب | 503323-3
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This course will provide the student with an in-depth study of the organization of the central processing unit, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, instruction set design, and addressing modes of digital computers. Register Transfer model of processors and data paths are considered. Extensive emphasis is placed on the translation of assembly language instructions into their micro sequence operations within the control unit. Both hardwire and microprogramming techniques will be covered. Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC) and Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) are introduced as well. Parallel architecture and inter-connection networks.
تحليل وتصميم الخوارزميات | 501435-3
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Algorithms are the central concept of Computer Science. This course provides introduction to algorithm design and analysis. Students study techniques for designing algorithms and for analyzing the time and space efficiency of algorithms. The algorithm design techniques include divide-and-conquer, greedy technique, dynamic programming, backtracking and branch and bound. The algorithm analysis includes computational models, computational complexity, and computation of best, average and worst-case complexity. The course also includes study of limits of algorithmic methods (e.g., NP-hard, NP-complete problems). Asymptotic analysis of sorting, searching, greedy methods, heaps, priority queues.
هندسة برمجيات متقدمة | 501446-3
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This course introduces software testing principles and practices. Topics include software quality assurance standards and metrics, black-box and white-box testing, function and performance testing, test planning, test case generation, assessing and managing risk, test prioritization, automation strategy, defect management, and test execution.
نظم التشغيل | 501453-3
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This course focuses on fundamental concepts of operating system design and implementation. Overview of operating system components; concurrency; mutual exclusion and synchronization; implementation of processes; deadlock; scheduling algorithms; memory management; input/output and file systems; protection and security. A case study is also presented.
الذكاء الاصطناعي | 501481-3
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Introduce fundamental concepts and techniques of intelligent systems. Topics include knowledge representation, search strategies, programming in logic. As well, students are exposed to artificial intelligence subfield topics such as Expert Systems and Neural Networks.
اتصالات البيانات | 503410-3
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The course is designed to provide the students with the fundamental concepts and techniques of data communications. The course includes the following topics; Meaning, history and need for data communications, Modes of transmission, Signal characteristics, Model of data communications systems, Digital transmission of analog data, Sampling Theory, Pulse modulation techniques, Pulse code modulation, Delta modulation, Data compression, Transmission of digital data, Analog transmission of digital data, Digital transmission of digital data, Common transmission media, Transmission impairments, Channel capacity, Multiplexing techniques, Error Control of Data Transmission, Methods of controlling errors, Types of errors, Error detection codes, Automatic repeat request schemes, Error correcting codes.
اخلاقيات المهنة | 500321-2
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المتطلبات السابقة
990414-2 Islamic Culture (Human Rights)
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The course intends to cover the computer crime (viruses, worms, Trojan horses, hacking) and the ways to implementing computer ethics (computer professionals and social responsibility). Also, the software copyright, piracy, privacy, security, and civil liberties and some selected topics such: Philosophical Foundations of Ethics, Ethics, Ethical Dissent and Whistleblowing. Monopolies and their Economic, Social and Ethical Implications. This course provides a general overview of the social and ethical issues in computing. Students will learn about the impacts on and implications of the development, management and use of technology in various aspects. Emphasis is given to the issues which are relevant to the field of Information Systems.
مناهج البرمجة | 501427-3
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Introduce a survey of programming language concepts and design principles of procedural, object oriented, functional, and logic programming paradigms. Topics include history of programming languages, data types, control structures and run-time management of dynamic structures.
تقنيات الانترنت | 501461-3
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This course builds upon a foundational understanding of Web design and examines professional Web development technologies. This course introduces development tools and techniques used to publish web pages on the World Wide Web. Students use basic hypertext markup language (HTML), XHTML, cascading style sheets (CSS), forms, and tables, Scripting (Java Script, VB Script), and presentational technologies to create websites with the aid of a software authoring application. The emphasis will be on creating web pages manually in a simple text editor to help prepare students for subsequent programming courses.
الرسم بالحاسب | 501472-3
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This course introduces techniques for constructing 2-D and 3-D graphics using OpenGL. The topics include the rendering pipeline, primitive drawings, geometric transformations, clipping, lighting and illumination, color models texture mapping, and ray-tracing animation.
شبكات الحاسب | 503442-3
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This course provides the students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer networking. Important concepts related to layered architecture, wired and wireless local area networks, wide area networks, packet switching and routing, transport protocol, flow control, and congestion control are covered in this course.
رياضيات متقدمة | 202463-3
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Vectors and the geometry of space: Three-dimensional coordinate system, vectors, the dot product, the cross product, equations of linear and planes, quadric surface, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Vectors functions: space curves, derivatives and integrals of vector functions, arc length and curvature, motion in space, velocity and acceleration. Partial derivatives: Functions of several variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, tangent planes and differentials, the chain rule, directional derivatives and the Gradient vector, maximum and minimum values, critical points, Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integrals: double integrals over rectangles, iterated integrals, double integrals over general regions, double integrals in polar coordinates, applications, surface area, triple integrals in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, change of variables in multiple integrals. Vector calculus: vector fields, line integrals, the fundamental theorem for line integrals, Green's theorem, Curl and divergence, parametric surfaces and their areas, surface integrals the divergence theorem.
النظم الموزعة | 501554-3
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The course introduces motivation and issues related to design, fault tolerance, and performance of distributed systems, various algorithms and protocols for system operability. It covers the most recent experimental distributed systems and relevant technologies.
مشروع تخرج (1) | 501598-3
 الساعات المعتمدة
المتطلبات السابقة
501435-3 and 501461-3
وصف المقرر
First part of a two-semester project. Student is involved in project definition, requirement elicitation and analysis, acquiring relevant technology skills, and development of proof of concept. Documentation, demonstration, and presentation are required.
خبرة ميدانية | 501588-2
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This is tries to Provide students with practical experience, help the student to adapt the work environment, help the student to take responsibility, Linking theoretical study with the practical reality, skills to communicate with others and listen to their opinions and discussion, provide an opportunity for companies/institutions to identify distinctive cadres in order to attract when they graduate to work, gain the skill of writing preparation of technical reports and gain experience of engineers, technicians and identify their working lives.
مشروع تخرج (2) | 501599-3
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Second part of two semesters project. Student is required to design, develop, implement, test, and document the project defined in the first part. For software projects, student must use well established software engineering tools and techniques. Documentation, demonstration, and presentation is required.
أمن نظم الحاسبات | 502459-3
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This course introduces the basic security attacks against computer systems and the different techniques to overcome these attacks. Besides, this course explains the different modern encryption mechanisms and protocols (including symmetric and public key cryptography). Moreover, it examines the different security services such as authentication and access control. Finally, this course introduces an overview to network security and the tools used to secure networks such as the firewall, proxy and intrusion detection systems. Students will learn about tools for defending against attacks, and methods for designing secure systems.
المقررات الاختيارية:
نمذجة ومحاكاة | 501471-3
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This course introduces techniques for design, execution, and analysis of simulation models. Topics include discrete event simulation techniques, input and output analysis, random numbers, simulation tools and languages.
معالجة الصور | 501573-3
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The course offers an introduction to digital Image processing. It covers enhancing and restoration algorithms and techniques for BW, grey and colored image. Also, it introduces image analysis techniques by using some of image segmentation. Image compression also is covered. The students will be asked to use appropriate image processing tools to perform above mentioned task.
الأنظمة الخبيرة | 501585-3   
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This course introduces the principles of design, development and operations of expert systems. Topics will include different methods of knowledge representation and knowledge engineering techniques. Inference techniques, uncertainty handling, and the basics of computer programming for Expert Systems. Principles of Fuzzy Logic is covered as an approximate reasoning technique. Some Machine Learning techniques such Artificial Neural networks and Association Rule Learning are introduced as recent trend in the field. Practical considerations of applying knowledge-based Systems in different applications are discussed.
مستودعات البيانات | 502478-3
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Data warehousing has drawn increasing interest within the software enterprises to gain critical insights of daily business analytic operations. Data warehouse is a tool providing comprehensive analysis of operational data and to identify patterns. This course provides an introduction to fundamental techniques and novel applications of data warehouse. Issues covered by this learning experience include data warehouse fundamentals, planning, business analytics modeling, data warehouse design and implementation. In particular, the role of data warehouse in supporting business intelligence and effective decision making. Further, it involves an in-depth study of various concepts needed to design and develop a data warehouse. This course is designed to expose students to concepts, enabling methods and hands-on usage and problem solving in an integrated way. As one of IS depth electives, it provides a good balance between theory and practice. The participants will explore applications and have great opportunity for hands-on experimentation with data warehousing and reporting tools.
تفاعل الانسان والحاسب  | 502536-3
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The term “Human factors” relates to both how people interact with technology, and the ways in which technology can affect people’s performance. This course provides an introduction to human factors related to the design of information systems. The emphasis is on the human component of human-computer interaction (HCI), and the process of user-centered design and evaluation. In general, lectures will be interactive, combining in-class discussions with small group problem-solving exercises.
تصميم المترجمات   | 501454-3
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Introduce the theory and techniques for compiler design. Topics include basic concepts of compiler, compiler components, regular expressions and finite state automata for lexical analysis, formal grammars for construction of parser, symbol tables handling, syntax-directed translation, error checking, and intermediate code generation.
تصميم وبرمجة الألعاب   | 501528-3
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Introduce the current and future technologies for the game design and development. Topics may include game technologies, game programming, game psychology, game genres, game engine architectures, and tools for game design, development, and production.
برمجة الشبكات | 503547-3
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Review of computer network topologies and network protocols, TCP/IP and HTTP. Processes and Interprocess Communication, IPC. Review of UNIX system software for IPC. Client-Server model and programming, some specific examples of IPC and Client-Server program using C language. Introduction to Hypertext Markup language, HTML and Web page designs using HTML. Introduction to JAVA language and Interactive Web pages. Use of JAVA to develop stand-alone and network applications.
الرؤية بالحاسب | 501424-3
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This course introduces the basic concepts of computer vision, its applications and techniques. Topics treated in the course include low level image processing, segmentation, boundary detection, fitting, stereo correspondence, 3-D reconstruction, recognition and detection.
التشفير | 501513-3
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This course focuses on algorithms and protocols for secure network communication. Topics include cryptographic algorithms (DES, Diffie-Hellman, RSA), authentication, key management, secure networking, certification, trust management, and secure electronic commerce.
الحوسبة المنتشرة | 501562-3
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Introduce the mechanisms and environments of pervasive computing. Topics may include computer and network architectures for pervasive computing, mobile computing mechanisms, HCI, pervasive software systems, location mechanisms, practical techniques for security and user-authentication, and experimental pervasive computing systems.
أنظمة الوسائط المتعددة | 501575-3
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Introduce fundamental concepts about how to handle multimedia information through studying and hands-on projects. Topics may include audio/video fundamentals, multimedia support in HTML5, streaming multimedia on the Web and Web security.
الشبكات العصبية  | 501582-3
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This is an introductory course to artificial neural networks (ANNs). Topics cover network abilities to cluster, associate, and classify patterns. Investigating these abilities entails studying different network models such as Kohonen, Associative, and Back-Propagation. Different learning techniques such as supervised and unsupervised methods are concurrently introduced. The course concludes with practical considerations in applying neural networks in different Machine Learning application.
تمييز الأنماط | 501583-3
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Introduction to pattern recognition, Bayesian Decision theory, ML and Bayesian parameter estimation, Non-Parametric Methods, Feature Extraction and Selection, Linear Discriminant Function, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Unsupervised Learning and Clustering, Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition.
مواضيع خاصة في لغات البرمجة | 501592-3
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The course covers emerging and advanced topics in theory of computation. The contents vary depending on the topic.
مواضيع خاصة في الخوارزميات | 501593-3
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This course will be offered to cover emerging and advanced topics in algorithms. The contents will vary depending on the topic.
مواضيع خاصة في نظم قواعد البيانات | 501595-3
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The course covers emerging and advanced topics in database systems. The contents vary depending on the topic.
التنقيب عن البيانات | 502571-3
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This Introduces fundamental concepts and techniques in data mining. Students will develop an understanding of the data mining process and apply various techniques to solve data mining problems using data mining tools. Topics include data pre-processing, supervised and unsupervised learning approaches to classification problems, association rule mining, anomaly detection and performance measurements.
الروبوتات | 503578-3
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The purpose of this course is to introduce the basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. In essence, the material treated in this course is a brief survey of relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, navigation and control. The course will use the LEGO robot kits to cover and illustrate the historical development of robotics as a field, the importance of integrating sensors, effectors and control, basic control, the key approaches to mobile robot control. In this course, basic concepts will be discussed, including coordinate transformations, sensors, path planning, kinematics, feedback and feedforward control, stressing the importance of integrating sensors, motors and control. These topics will be exemplified with LEGO Robot Kit labs. We will get hands on experience of NXC programming language to program the Mindstorm robot in order to perform required tasks.