A word from the Provost

The University's Vice Presidency focuses on raising the university's institutional efficiency, and developing the University’s administrative and financial systems. In this respect, the Vice Presidency has been updating its systems to adapt them to the changing environment and the new national trends. These developments are done within the Vice Presidency’s strategic plan.

Another priority of the Vice Presidency is to improve the University’s Work environment. We strive to create a stimulating work environment that is conducive to participation, initiative taking, and the pursuit of excellence. This has already procured several benefits among which a marked improvement in the quality and speed of the Vice Presidency services.

With respect to financial resources, the Vice Presidency has set up a strong, flexible, and transparent financing framework characterized by income diversification and rationalization of expenditures. This has led to an improved financial balance and the possibility of financing and speeding up the execution of the University’s development projects.

However, the Vice Presidency considers the University’s human capital as its greatest wealth. For this reason, it has endeavored to increase job satisfaction by setting up work systems that are fair and flexible, and within which the employees get their rights according to well-publicized administrative and ethical regulations.

The University’s Vice Presidency is proud to be a strong enabler for the accomplishment of the University’s mission, and is ready to serve all university members in a fair and transparent manner.