Academic Advising and Alumni Unit

Academic Advising Unit

About the unit:

The Academic Advising Unit plans, coordinates and supervises the implementation of the academic supervision process in the college. The responsibility for academic advising lies with the head of the unit who is assigned by the Dean and includes unit coordinators from the college departments. The responsibility for academic advising also rests with all faculty members as academic advisors, and the unit works in coordination and cooperation with the University Advising Department



           That the unit be a pioneer in guiding and educating the college students in line with their scientific abilities and their future practical orientations.


the message:

          Providing academic advising services for students to help them interact with plans, study programs and activities at the college, and prepare them in a distinguished way to compete at the local level.



The unit has objectives to support students in four main pillars, namely psychological counseling, academic counseling, and vocational counseling. It is provided to three categories of male and female students, namely the category of new students, current students and graduates, including people of determination, through:

Introducing students to the academic programs of the college.
Assisting students in discovering themselves and making their own decisions, especially with regard to choosing the appropriate specialization for their preferences and abilities, and overcoming the difficulties that hinder their academic path.
Introducing students to the most important laws regulating academic affairs, such as the semester average, the cumulative average, the method of calculating them, attendance, the mechanisms of apology for the semester, and how to pass exams with the highest grades.
Discovering students' abilities and scientific and practical inclinations.
Making positive changes in the students' behavior towards the social, cultural, professional and other values ​​of his community.
Helping students psychologically and socially through qualified people in psychological and social fields.
Explaining how to obtain high grades and the requirements for that, as well as introducing other services that help students with this.
Providing the necessary academic support for students during their academic career in order to achieve the ease of the study plan and the completion of its requirements within the specified time period.
Paying attention to talented and talented students, motivating and encouraging them to achieve further, and directing them towards investing their abilities and potentials in areas that suit their academic inclinations and interests.
Assisting students during the examination period by providing guidance and psychological support, as well as providing an appropriate environment for students, including people of determination.


The Academic Advising Unit has many tasks that support students in the college, including:

Unit tasks at the beginning of the school year

Receiving and welcoming new students on the first day of study and explaining to them about the college and university system.
Introducing students to the regulations and laws on the university campus.
Introducing students to the disciplinary regulations and what is related to absence and warnings.
Distribute students equitably according to specialization among the faculty members of the college.
Directing the advisor to prepare and update the academic advising record file for each student, where the advisor opens a special file for each student in the group that includes the registered materials and the student’s grade level, including the cumulative average, as well as the minutes of the periodic meetings between the advisor and the student in addition to any reports or warnings from the The subject course through which the student's level can be assessed.
Directing the counselor to organize periodic interviews at least once at the beginning of each semester.

Unit tasks during the academic year

General supervision of academic advisors and follow-up of cases submitted to him.
Receiving cases that are sent to the unit from academic advisors and solving their problems.
Helping students how to make the most of the college's e-learning website, and encouraging them to make use of the library and manage time effectively. Participation in academic and non-academic activities.
Follow up on academic advising on the external system and respond to student inquiries.
Awareness of students about the dates of academic movements according to the university calendar.
Helping students discover themselves and motivate them academically, psychologically and behaviorally during all stages of their university career.
Follow up the performance of students who falter academically and develop effective solutions to remove the causes of academic stumbling and improve their levels.
Honoring outstanding students.

Unit tasks during exams

 Organizing the mechanism of conducting exams for students with disabilities and supervising their implementation.
Passing through the examination halls, observing the psychology of the students, and working to remove the fear by passing on the anxious student and encouraging him to solve.
Urging the observers to spread reassurance and work to create psychological comfort for students in the hall and to avoid threatening students or announcing the end of time or withdrawing the paper from the student as soon as any movement by the student, as well as emphasizing the observers to stay away from the side conversation that leads to distracting students’ thoughts.
To ensure the availability of a suitable environment for students in terms of air conditioning and lighting, and to provide any need for students as needed.


Members of the Academic Advising Unit at the College of Business Administration


أعضاء وحدة الإرشاد الأكاديمي بكلية إدارة الأعمال



البريد الإلكتروني

د. صالح بن محمد قاضي

رئيس الوحدة


د. هبه عبد الصبور أمين حسن

نائبة رئيس الوحدة


د. الصادق محمد سالم الطيب


ممثل قسم الاقتصاد والتمويل


د. مهند جعفر حسن حبيب


ممثل قسم الاقتصاد والتمويل


د. أكرم محمد بلحاج


ممثل قسم الإدارة


د. شيرين شريف


ممثلة قسم الإدارة


د. محمد أبكر محمد محمد


منسق قسم المحاسبة


د. السارة سعد


منسقة قسم المحاسبة


د. حسن عبد الرحيم الزبير


منسق قسم التسويق


د. خلود راغب القطب


منسقة التسويق


د. معاذ يوسف الذنيبات


منسق قسم نظم المعلومات الإدارية


د. لطيفة الزهراني


منسقة نظم المعلومات الإدارية



