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  1. About the program

Food sciences and nutrition have been considered very important fields of life sciences that combine both the academic and applied sciences related to development and modernization of food industry and assurance of food safety and quality. This requires application of modern techniques for maximizing the gain from the available national agricultural resources for producing and manufacturing food to fulfil the community requirements, in such a way supporting the general health and improving the life pattern.  The program of food science and nutrition will concentrate on the relations between the food and the human concerning balanced diet, food health and safety and customer’s protection as well. Thus, preparation of qualified personnel for fulfilling the national and regional needs at the fields of nutrition, food and food-related industries is a substantial reason for establishing the “Food science and nutrition” program.

In agreement with the Kingdome’s Vision and the modernized national strategy, Taif University paid a great attention for launching applied scientific programs. The technological progress in the field of food industry in the Kingdome Saudi Arabia and particularly in Taif region creates a necessity for preparing food and nutrition specialists to cover the shortage of qualified personnel in this field.

The technological progress in the nutrition and food industry is closely related to economic issues. Thus, it is necessary to apply the scientific research in this field to find applicable solutions for problems within the different production sectors. This has to be relevant to serving and sustainable development ofthe national community.   

2- Students Outcomes

  1. Recognize the basic and applied sciences related to food and nutritional patterns.
  2. Recognize the importance of languages, values, Islamic culture and civilization; in such a way serving the community.
  3. List the properties of food constituents and the scientific basis of industrial food processing and different food preservation techniques. 
  4. Identify the role of microorganisms in food production and processing; food spoilage-related microorganisms and food-borne diseases.
  5. Show the basis and concepts of the quality control management systems, food health and safety practices and recycling of wastes.
  6. Design, skillfully and professionally, the balanced diets and specific nutrition programs for individuals and populations.
  7. Apply mathematics, biostatistics and data analysis in applied food sciences.
  8. Explain the role of microorganisms in the incidence of food spoilage and how could it be overcome, the different methods for food products inspection and the quality control of food industry.
  9. Explain the role of the food additives, their production and preservation techniques as well as the hazards resulting from their consumption.
  10. Innovate solutions to overcome the main and common problems in the food industrial institutions for achieving the targets of their production sectors. 
  11. Work in groups, realize and accept the teamwork concept in various fields of food industry.
  12. Apply skills of groups leading efficiently.
  13. Communicate efficiently using native Arabic as well as English, showing both oral and written excellence for data presentation and explanation of food science-related issues.
  14. Apply the suitable audiovisual media in presentation of the data of the different industrial processes.