Professional consultation entitled Effective use of the platform (LinkedIn)

date of publication : 2024-05-22

The Professional Development Unit held a professional consultation at the Deanship of Student Affairs at Taif University on the Professional Development and Career Support page on the Maharat platform entitled:
(Effective use of the LinkedIn platform)

On Wednesday, 10/29/1445 AH, 5/8/2024 AD, which targeted (55) male and female students, the workshop was presented by Dr. Rayan Al-Shamrani from the Faculty of Computers at Taif University, where he explained the most important topics, which are:
1-Building the personal page and introductory account in a professionally effective manner.
2-The importance of keywords.
3- Expanding the knowledge base and communicating with others.
4- Search for jobs on the platform.
5- Access to periodic bulletins that interest you.
6-About LinkedI Learning
Registration link