The Department of Sport Science

The Department’s Vision

  Achieving the leadership in the sports sciences on a local and regional levels

The Department's message

 Preparing high caliber specialists through its educational program and research activities, in order to accommodate the needs of the work market in the fields sports sciences in light of quality standards

The Department Goals

  • Providing a distinguished educational system and advanced technology in light of a cultural and scientific climate supported by a modern system of scientific research

  • Developing the capabilities of competitive faculty members at the local and regional level. Serving and developing community economically, socially, culturally, and civilly

  • Continuous development and improvement of programs and curricula to keep up scientific development in the various disciplines scientifically and technologically

  • Identify the requirements of the labor market and provide the needs of a distinguished graduate in the scientific, cognitive and behavioral aspects, and able to compete locally and regionally

  • The department should have a role in supporting sports programs with the participation of civil society and non-governmental organizations

Degrees awarded by the Department:

Bachelor of Sport Science for male and female students

Description of the courses: