A special activity for medical devices engineering students

date of publication : 2021-11-29

The students of the biomedical engineering course EE803-523 under the supervision of Dr. Bandar Saman gave three online presentations of Electrograms (ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG) and biosensors. The students were evaluated by a committee consisting of students and faculty members from the College of Applied Medical Sciences at Taif University and Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies.

The department head Dr. Muhammad Al-Sharif thanked the committee for their efforts. Where the college dean Dr. Ahmed Aziz Al-Ahmadi pointed out the importance of the committee's participation in the development of educational quality.

Furthermore, the coordination with a medical center is under process for nominating biomedical engineers to evaluate the students’ term projects in following medical devices

  1. X-rays
  2. CT Scan
  3. MRI
  4. Ultrasound Scanner