The College of Medicine got the first rank at the level of specialized clubs and the fourth rank of extra-curricular activities

date of publication : 2022-05-25

 In the presence of His Excellency Prof. Yousef bin Abdo Asiri, TU President, the University, represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs, held the closing ceremony of student activities for the academic year 14421443 AH. The College of Medicine obtained the first rank at the level of specialized clubs “Wa’i”.  It also won the fourth rank among the university colleges in th extra-curricular activities, where it got 16 individual awards for club members, and 20 activities were conducted in the academic year 1442/1443. The Vice Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof.Majed Almourgi and the Vice Dean  of the College of Medicine (Girl section), Dr. Areej Turkistani, recieved the prizes from the TU President, Prof. Youssef A. Asseri.The coordinators of the college Prof.. Mohamed F Abbas and Dr. Alaa Ismail  were honored for their outstanding efforts.