Guide to Thesis & graduation projects reports

 This page provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and templates for writing scientific theses and graduation research projects. The guidelines aim to help students understand the steps and procedures required to prepare and write scientific theses correctly and methodically. The guidelines include information on the general structure of the thesis, academic writing requirements, examples, and instructions on how to effectively prepare and organize research. These guidelines are advisory, and students should consider the internal regulations and guidelines provided by their department to help them make the most of their academic efforts and ensure the submission of high-quality work that meets academic standards.

 Comprehensive and Simplified Guide for Writing Scientific Theses & Graduation Projects - Arabic
 Comprehensive and Simplified Guide for Writing Scientific Theses & Graduation Projects - English
 Word Template for Writing a Scientific Thesis & Project Report- Arabic
 Word Template for Writing a Scientific Thesis & Project Report - English
 Word Template for Research Proposals