Altitude Research Center

The high places represent more than 18% of the total area of ​​the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and more than 10% of the Kingdom’s population resides in these areas. Moreover, there is no reputable academic research body specialized in upland research in the Kingdom except for the High Altitude Research Center. Given that the High-Altitude Research Center is the only center interested in this research in Saudi Arabia, the center’s management has worked to support the localization and encouragement of researchers to work in altitude research by urging Saudi researchers to apply in research groups supported by the center and it is likely that their presence will be a condition for accepting these groups. In the near future. The center’s management also made efforts to educate fresh graduates about the importance of this field and open the door to training for them.


One of the aspects of the center's interest in localizing altitude research is the administration’s keenness to hold educational seminars and workshops inside and outside the university to spread the health culture of highland areas, which is mainly based on research results, which will have the greatest impact on urging researchers to focus on this research in addition to motivating students. Fresh graduates with thinking and interest in scientific research in general and high altitude research in particular.

The unique location of Taif as one of the highland cities affects the biological and physiological indicators, which makes its documentation one of the center's first concerns. Also, studying changes in different altitudes by simulating the disturbances associated with these altitudes is a research work that requires the research team to exert effort in it and its development at the national level. Therefore, the center aims to support cooperation with researchers from Saudi universities and those interested in high-altitude research and build a national system for specialists in this field, which makes Taif University a pioneering university that directs funding and evaluates research related to high areas, which will have the greatest impact on supporting sustainable research development locally in the field of altitude research.