Publication rules and writing controls

Publication terms:

• The research submitted should be original, characterized by originality, innovation, scientific methodology, integrity of direction, correctness of language, and free of dogmatic and intellectual violations.

• The researcher should adhere to scientific principles in presentation, documentation, quotation, illustrations, tables and forms.

• The subject of the research should be within the fields and specializations of the journal.

• The researcher submits an acknowledgment that the research has not been published and has not been submitted to other parties for publication, and will not be submitted to any other journal if it is accepted for publication.

• The research should not be derived from a scientific thesis, book, or previous research, or infringing on scientific property.

• After being reviewed by the editorial board, the research is subject to scientific arbitration by specialists, and the researcher looks at the summary of the arbitrators' reports in order to correct his research according to it, or express his opinion on what is not taken from it, and the board resolves the dispute in that.

• The researcher bears responsibility for correcting his research and ensuring that it is free from typographical, spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors.

• When the research is accepted for publication, the publishing rights of the journal revert, and the researcher has no right to request that it not be published after sending it to the arbitrators.

• The journal is not obligated to respond to research that is not accepted for publication.

• The magazine does not offer financial rewards for what is published in it.

• Opinions in the research submitted to the journal express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board.

• Priority is given in publishing due to considerations, including time precedence, and the coordination necessities of the topics.

• The research is arranged upon publication in the issues of the journal according to technical considerations, and no other considerations have any role in this arrangement.

• The research is coordinated according to the style of the journal approved in the publishing regulations by the researcher.


• The researcher registers through the platform from the icon (new researcher registration) and then follows the steps to download the research, and in the event of entering again after registration, he logs in via the (login) icon.

• The original research is sent in the form of a Word file, and a PDF file via the previous electronic platform, coordinated according to the terms and conditions of publication in the journal. (see posting rules and conditions)

• The research received must be spelled and grammatically checked.

• Research pages should not exceed 40 pages

• Do not write the personal name on the cover of the search or inside the search files.

• The researcher includes his research a summary of the research in both Arabic and English, so that his words do not exceed (200) words or one page, and the translation is from an accredited authority.

• The researcher is committed to presenting the previous studies, integrating them into the body of the research, whether in the introduction or assigning a separate title to it.

The main components of scientific research accepted for publication:

• The University Journal does not adopt a single pattern in the methodology of scientific research, given the diversity in the nature of human research from quantitative to qualitative, and from field empirical to descriptive, but the main common elements between them are:

• Research title, researcher's name/s, and job title in both Arabic and foreign languages.

• The name of the researcher, or researchers, is not explicitly mentioned in the body of the research, its margins, or the list of references, or in any reference that reveals his or her identity, and instead the word “researcher” or “researchers” is used.

• The summary of the study (in both Arabic and foreign languages), which should contain the general objective of the study, in addition to the sample, the tools used, the most important findings, and the most important recommendations, in no more than ten lines.

• Introduction or background of the study

• The problem of the study and identifying its elements and questions.

• The importance of the study and its objectives.

• Previous studies that benefit the subject of the study and assist the researcher in discussing its results. The researcher is committed to presenting previous studies according to the chronological order from the oldest to the most recent, or vice versa. Each of them is in one paragraph that clarifies its main objective, sample, tools and most important results.

• Clarify the study methodology that is appropriate to the nature of the research problem and includes quantitative or qualitative procedures and data that enabled the researcher to address the research problem.

• Determine the study population and its sample accurately.

• Determine the tools used in the study and clarify their psychometric characteristics.

• Explain the results of the study in a scientific way.

• Discussing the results is a scientific discussion based on the theoretical framework and previous studies, so as to reflect the researcher's interaction with the subject of the study through the conclusions and recommendations reached based on those results.

Writing controls

• The research received must be spelled and grammatically checked.

• Research pages should not exceed 40 pages.

• The first page of the research includes the full title of the research, the name of the researcher or researchers, and his scientific description.

• Applied to the list of Arabic and foreign references, the documentation system according to (APA).

• The research is printed by computer using the program: (Microsoft Word), and it is on (A4) paper, on one side only, leaving (2.5 cm) for each margin.

• Writing should be in: [Traditional Arabic], the main headings are (18) black, the text is (16) normal, and the footnotes are (12) normal.

• The researcher presents a summary of the research in both Arabic and English, so that his words do not exceed (200) words or one page.

• Sources and references are documented by mentioning the source or reference in the footnote, by placing a footnote number in the appropriate place.

• References are written in a separate list at the end of the research, arranged alphabetically according to one of the considered scientific methods, with full publication information related to sources and references.

• In the event that the researcher uses software or measurement tools such as tests and questionnaires, or other tools, the researcher must submit a full copy of the tools he used if they are not included in the body of the study or were not attached to his appendices, and he indicates the official procedures that allow him to use them in his research.