Department of Foreign Languages

The Department of Foreign Languages

The Department of Foreign Languages ​​was established by the Royal Decree No. (15) on (May 27, 1401) and became a part of the College of Education at Umm Al Qura  University - Taif Branch. The department offers its programs and study plans since then under the umbrella of the College of Arts at Taif University.


The Department of Foreign Languages ​​is one of the first departments within the University of Taif since it was a branch of Umm Al-Qura University. It became an independent department of the College of Education. After the separation of the literary departments, it became one of the departments of the College of Arts.  The department offers the BA in English and MA program in literature and linguistics. 

 Program Mission: 

     “Producing competent graduates in the field of English language who can compete nationally in meeting the requirements of the labor market.”

Program Goals:

  1. Developing students' communicative English language skills. 
  2. Equipping students with the critical and analytical skills required to analyze the literary and linguistic aspects of English
  3. Equipping students with the necessary knowledge and required skills to translate different types of texts
  4. Familiarizing students with the practical aspects of English language for the workplace and in society
  5. Enhancing students’ skills needed to carry out subject-oriented assignments and projects independently and collaboratively

Graduate Attributes:


  • Core Knowledge: Knowledge of the various sub-fields of the English language.
  • Communicative Skills: Effective communication using English language.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Think analytically and critically in solving various English language-related problems. 
  • Ethics, Independence and Collaboration: Work independently and collaboratively in carrying out assignments and projects in English.
  • IT Skills: Use of basic IT skills in carrying out assignments/projects in English.

Program Learning Outcomes:



Demonstrate an understanding of the main regional, social, and historical variation and change of the English Language.


Describe the various ways in which English is learned and taught.


Identify major literary genres, schools and historical periods of English language and literature, focusing on the relationship between text and context.


Recognize the literary devices used in a variety of English literary texts.



Communicate accurately using English oral and written forms. 


Analyze the linguistic structure of English.


Apply appropriate theoretical and critical approaches to analyze English literary text.


Produce accurate and appropriate English-Arabic-English translations of different text types.


Employ the acquired skills to analyze literary language, including figurative and stylistic usage.



Use information technology skills in writing and presenting their works, and in accessing electronic information.


Carry out subject-oriented assignments and projects independently and collaboratively.


