University College Council

The College Council consists of:

The College Council is formed each year with the beginning of each academic year. The Dean of the College chairs the Council while the membership of the Council consists of the College's agents, the heads of the Academic Councils, the Director of Financial and Administrative Affairs, the Secretary of the Council and other members of the faculty.

Composition of the Council:

Dean of the College "President"

2. Vice-Dean of the College "Deputy and Secretary"

3. The Under Secretary of the College 

4. The heads of academic departments

5. The University Council may, on the proposal of the College Council or the Institute and the support of the Rector, include at least three members of the faculty of the College, the Institute or the corresponding College of the University's branches and determine the duration of their membership.

Organization of the Council:

1. In accordance with Article 35 of the Ministry of Education Regulation, the College Council shall meet at the invitation of its Chairman at least once a month. The meeting shall be valid only with the presence of two-thirds of its members.

2. Decisions of the Council shall be issued by an absolute majority of the votes of the members present.

3. Decisions of the Council shall be valid unless they are objected to by the Rector within fifteen (15) days of their arrival. If the Council remains in its opinion, the objectionable decision shall be referred to the Council of the League for decision at the first ordinary or extraordinary session. The University Council may approve, amend or cancel the decision, and its decision shall be final.

Functions of the Council:

1. Ratify the agenda proposal at the beginning of the work of the Council.

2. To manage all the affairs of the College in accordance with Article 34 of the Ministry of Education regulations.

3. Prospects for the development of the university college.

4. Consider all matters relating to the College and make suggestions to the University Council.

5. Recommending the approval of the strategic plan of the college in line with the strategic plans of the university.

6. Adopting a strategy for scientific research in the college.

7. Approving the general plan for the application of quality and academic accreditation in the college.

8. Setting admission and transfer controls from and to college.

9. Forming permanent or temporary committees from among its members or from others to study specific issues whenever necessary, and the competence of these committees to complete the tasks entrusted to them or by a decision of the Council.

10. Encourage the preparation of scientific research and coordination between the departments of the College and work on dissemination.

11. Consider appointing faculty members, recruits, lecturers, lending them, and assigning them and their promotions.

12. Recommending the approval of proposed study plans, curriculum, written books and references in coordination with academic departments.

13. Approving the curriculum, books and references in the departments of the college.

14. Approving the dates of the examinations and setting up the regulations for conducting them.

15. Recommending the approval of internal rules or internal regulations of the College.

16. Approve the training and scholarship plans necessary for the College.

17. Approval of the plan of the non-curricular activity of the college.

18. Decide on the student affairs within his competence and the direction of the University Council, except that.

19. Consider what the Council of the University, its Chairman, Vice-President or Dean of the College may refer to him for study and opinion.

20. Submit proposals related to the budget of the College.


Student Affairs:

1. Adopting lists of deprivation and lifting the deprivation of students to enter the final exam.

2. Approve giving the students a chance for a final alternative test within a period not exceeding the next semester.

3. Approval of re-enrollment of students.

4. Approval of the necessary controls to evaluate the performance of the associate students.

5. Approval of the re-correction of the answer papers within a period not exceeding the beginning of the final tests for the next semester.

academic affairs:

1. Approval of determining the degree of quarterly work.

2. Approve that the final test should be a practical or oral test.

3. Approval of the exception of the decisions of seminars, research and practical decisions of the tests and estimates and determine the measurement of student achievement in these courses.

4. Form a committee to organize the final testing work.

5. Apply confidentiality in final testing procedures.

6. Putting the final test questions for some courses on the recommendation of the head of department.

7. Determine the duration of the final test by not less than one hour and not more than three hours.

8. Approving the equivalence of the courses that the student has studied outside the university on the recommendation of the academic departments.

9. Approval of the student's study of courses if the student completed the required courses for graduation and his average was less than required.

10. Recommending a fourth chance to raise the student's cumulative average.

11. Suggesting the numbers of students who can be accepted in the academic year.

12. Recommending the payment of a class economy class ticket once during the study period if the student's academic program requires a trip outside the city of study.

13. Recommending that the student be granted an exceptional opportunity to complete the graduation requirements up to a maximum of half the original period specified for graduation if the student does not complete the graduation requirements within a maximum period of half the period specified for graduation.

14. Recommending that the student who is dismissed due to exhaustion of the duration of the program be given an opportunity to complete his studies not exceeding two semesters.

15. Recommending that students who have been dismissed due to warnings be given an opportunity to complete their studies not exceeding two semesters.


Functions of the Secretariat of the College Council:

1- Receiving the minutes from the scientific departments to be presented to the Board by the Dean of the College and providing the members with a copy thereof.

2. To propose or schedule the meetings in coordination with the Chairman and send the invitations to the members of the Council to attend in paper or electronically.

3. Print a signature list for the members present.

4. Prepare the agenda of the Council in an order to be agreed upon with the members of the Council.

5 - processing the file session.

6. Writing the minutes and submitting them to the Dean of the College for approval.

7. Preparation and follow-up of the recipients.

8. Preserving and documenting records.

9. Raising letters of financial dues to members.

The final report of the Council shall be distributed within a period not exceeding twenty days open from the date of termination of the work of the Council through:

1 - Correspondence to all members of the Council.

2- A special wallboard for the council

3- The Internet (College website).

4. News patrols.