Humanities Department

The Humanities Department is considered a product of the Program Transformation Project at Taif University and its branches according to the highest requirements and standards for ensuring the quality of education and academic accreditation, which began in the year 1438 H.

This development was in light of Taif University keeping pace with what the Kingdom is witnessing of the wise leadership’s keenness on development and modernization, and making sincere and relentless effort to advance the civilized procession in light of the accelerating scientific development in the world, which was represented by the supreme royal vision (2030)

Department Vision

A leading and distinguished academic, educational, research and   service-oriented department that keeps pace with the developments of the era.

Department message

Preparing qualified human cadres in humanities specializations that meet the aspirations of individuals, the needs of community and the requirements of the labor market. These human cadres should be able to compete locally, regionally and internationally by creating an educational, academic, leading and administrative environment that keeps pace with the changes and scientific, technological and human originations in knowledge community, and to contribute to the service and development of the local community according to the vision of Taif University, and the national vision of the Kingdom (2030)

Department values

The Department of Humanities adopts the institutional values ​​of the University College at Rania, which is derived from the values ​​of Taif University and which came in the university’s strategic plan, namely:

Transparency, teamwork, perfection, belonging, and model

Department Programs

The Humanities Department is one of the departments of the University College at Rania and it includes (four) programs that benefit the students of Rania governorate and other areas, namely:

1-lslamic studies

2-Arabic language

3-English language

4-Early kindergarten