Scientific Research Unit


Scientific research is the basis of knowledge progress and the focal point of technical development and effective contribution to achieving sustainable development goals..


Achieving excellence in scientific research and practical applications, through the development of the basic structure that stimulates scientific research, the formation of distinguished cadres of researchers and their assistants, and the achievement of an effective partnership with various sectors of society that facilitates efforts of development within the framework of commitment to genuine Islamic values, and starting from where others have ended..

 Objectives of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Affairs Unit

 Securing the appropriate scientific climate to support and encourage research, publishing, authorship, translation, and attending conferences and scientific symposia by faculty members and students..

 Supporting scientific research and encouraging faculty members and students in the college to conduct in-depth studies in the topics covered by the research priorities plan for the college and scientific departments.

 Follow up the implementation of scientific research plans prepared by the Deanship of Scientific Research.

 Seeking to link faculty members to local and international specialized scientific journals for the purpose of reading and publishing..

 Urging faculty members to write and translate in order to prepare highly qualified scientific references.

 Reviewing the procedures for raising the scientific production of faculty members after referring it to the affairs of postgraduate studies and scientific research by the relevant department council before submitting it to the competent authorities at the university and ensuring the following:

 Its compliance with the conditions required for promotion.  

 Holding a periodic scientific seminar for the two parts of the college.

Organizing the event of the Scientific Forum Day..

 Connecting students to the library by encouraging scientific research among them..

 Identifying the most important issues and problems of society and connecting these issues and problems to scientific research links.

 Organizing meetings, seminars, scientific lectures and training courses that contribute to community service and shed light on social issues, phenomena and problems..

 Develop a constructive plan for college scholarships..